State of the Hub: Washington DC

State of the Hub: Washington DC

The DC hub has experienced great growth since launching in Georgetown two years ago. We focus on achieving tangible, measurable results for global clients we believe in through creativity, passion, and teamwork. To do this, we are deliberately using our position as a member of the global DC community to enhance our projects and grow our hub.

We have eight active engagement leads, including a new Managing Director, Srujana. Our newest engagement lead, Oge joined within the last month and a former DC EL, Hannah, has successfully started up a new Los Angeles hub. We have three engagement leads taking on hub wide initiatives; Amy with recruiting and the DSO game and Sonum and Juan with on boarding. Several exciting projects were led by our other engagement leads Jess, Caroline, and Anthony.

We had great growth on the student front too. Over the course of the last four semesters we’ve worked with over 15 students ranging from freshmen to seniors, with a wide range of backgrounds and interests. A number of students have returned for several semesters. The students have worked on two projects and are excited to work on a few more this semester.

Maxine - Spotlight on BPSHI

Last year, the DC hub engaged in organizational management and financial sustainability research for a 501(c)(3) healthcare nonprofit, Bhagat Puran Singh Health Initiative (BPSHI). The goal of our deliverables was to provide BPSHI with a framework of documentation and procedures to operate between leadership transitions and become more financially independent. We focused on contributing to BSPHI’s sustainability by streamlining onboarding, budgetary and fundraising processes.

The DC team created a HIPAA 101 one-pager, a basic project management principles one-pager, a document with 6 tips on motivational interviewing, and a packet of information and images about health screening methods. Our concise motivational interviewing document was distributed to 100 students in training. Our client was impressed, commenting that the motivational interviewing tips were helpful and efficient in emphasizing the useful key points when interviewing.

Our team coded a system that streamlines reimbursements for their different hubs. We revamped budget workflow to create a budget template that tracks: Initial Budget, Additional Items for Pre-Approval, Request for Reimbursement and Final Incurred Expenses and Income on a single form. This included a response sheet with automated approval below certain amounts and a document on how to set-up this new financial system.

Through competitive benchmarking and accessing grant databases, our team compiled 11 grants specific to BPSHI. We also presented a set of grant-writing tips, 3 partner organizations and 7 networking events to several members of the BPSHI board, who viewed our suggestions favorably as opportunities they are likely to take advantage of in the near future.

Building upon the success of BPSHI, this year our hub is engaged with a nonprofit working at the intersection of technology, media, and data to devise ways of reducing violent conflict in the world. Our team is excited to partner with members from the PeaceTech Lab to help conduct market research for the development of an innovative game in the Middle East North Africa region.

This semester, the DC team has also been focused on increasing our presence and voice at Georgetown University by exploring potential campus partnerships. We recently wrapped up a successful Research Skills Workshop in partnership with a student-led campus organization called the Georgetown Development Initiative (GDI)! This kickoff event, we hope, will be the beginning of a fruitful partnership with GDI as we look forward to expanding our team and finding creative opportunities to partner and strengthen our marketing efforts on campus and in the broader DC global development community.

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