DSO partnered with Memunatu, an organization that promotes literacy, leadership, and empowerment for teenage that has educational and fun content. girls (10-17 years old) in West Africa through a community-driven publication / magazine.

Scholarship Plus
A partnership between Development Solution Organization and the Scholarship Plus team, this project focused on improving branding through market research and website design. The end objective was to increase the scholarship program’s exposure and access to funding opportunities.

Improving online course engagement with Gooru
Dedicating to honoring the human right to education Gooru is a nonprofit edtech startup that offers an online courseware platform for K-12 settings. Students and educators all over the world can build and deliver their course materials through Gooru, either in a classroom setting or a self-learning experience.

Bhagat Puran Singh Health Initiative (BPSHI)
Development Solution Organization and BPSHI scoped out a project that yielded content generation to streamline BPSHI’s onboarding framework, an online financial management tool, and research on relevant grant opportunities to facilitate their venture into diversifying their revenue streams.

Global Health Media Project
A collaborative partnership between Development Solutions Organization (DSO) and Global Health Media Project (GHMP), this project focused on researching, evaluating and recommending a sustainable business model for GHMP in order to help it grow operations and maximize its reach.